I am the storm is approaching

I am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approaching
I am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approaching
I am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approachingI am the storm is approaching